When I was in High School, I was preparing for JEE, an exam you gave to get into the best engineering schools in India, the prestigious IITs. At that point of time, we had a huge syllabus in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry that we had to prepare for to get into their hallowed halls. I had a problem, for the life of me, I cannot memorize formulas. So I used to work everything out from first principles. E.g If I was doing a mechanics problem I would write down the conservation of energy and momentum equations for the system and solve the whole damn thing, rather than simply plug in the numbers into the formula and get the results. It worked for me well enough, I got selected. But I didn't get the branch that I really wanted, Computer Science and I was always enamoured by it, and I kept reading about it and following tutorials and really just spent a lot of time with it.
That is the kind of approach I want to take here. I am not teaching you, I am teaching myself, at least that is what I tell myself. The journey is the destination and not the other more popular phrase.